CCI Family Fun Day and Water Baptism 恩榮堂家庭同樂日+洗禮
CCI Family Fun Day and Water Baptism
Saturday Oct 26th, 2pm
10月26日(六) 下午2時
Venue: Chung Hom Kok Beach
CCI Family Fun Day - Water Baptism, Games and BBQ. Bring Friends & Family – Everyone is welcome!
恩榮堂家庭同樂日 - 洗禮,遊戲和燒烤。請邀請朋友和家人 - 歡迎所有人參加!

Water Baptism and CCI's 14th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday 8th July 7月8日(日)
Worship, Baptism and CCI's 14th Anniversary Celebration.
Bring Friends & Family – Everyone is welcome!
上午10時30分 地點:國際恩榮堂
請邀請朋友和家人 - 歡迎所有人參加

Anointing Weekend
Join CCI for a weekend in the anointing. Joshua Mills will join us for the Sunday morning session. Book early as we have limited space and priority will be given to those who have attended throughout the weekend.
Friday 7:30pm - 10:00pm
Saturday 10:30am - 1:00pm
Saturday 2:30pm - 5:00pm
Saturday 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Sunday 10:30am - 1:00pm

Team Player Dinner Party
If you are a leader (or would like to be a leader) in CCI, and have served in any capacity in the house this last year, please come along to our THANK YOU dinner.

Leadership Training Lunch with Peter Paauwe
7th January @ CCI @ 1pm
1月7日(日) 下午1:00 時正 地點:國際恩榮堂

CCI Christmas Party Service
Sunday 24th December 12月24日(日)
Christmas Carols, Children’s Song Performance, Christmas
Message & Food. Bring Friends & Family – Everyone is welcome!
上午10時30分 地點:國際恩榮堂
請邀請朋友和家人 - 歡迎所有人參加

Children's Christmas Party
Children’s Church Christmas Party 兒童教會聖誕派對
Sunday the 24th of December
Chat to Fyon for further details
12月24日(日) 欲了解詳情 請聯繫Fyon

FIG Christmas Pizza and BBQ Party
各位弟兄姊妹大家好!😄 一年一度的聖誕普天同慶既日子又到啦!FIG將於15/12移師Sean在西貢的家慶祝聖誕!內容有私房披蕯、燒烤、電影、遊戲及交換聖誕禮物!詳情如下:
日期:15/12 (Friday)
Dear brothers & sisters, hope you’re well! 😄 Christmas is coming and this year, we FIG will celebrate this wonderful festival at Sean home on 15/12 at Sai Kung. We will do pizza, BBQ, movie, games & Christmas gifts. Details as follows:
1) Pizza: Will have pizza prepared. Will also have the base ready so you may bring your own delicious toppings and make one.😋
2) BBQ: we will have BBQ stove prepared, bring your own food if you wish to do BBQ.😋
3) Movie: Wonderful movie! 🤩
4) Games: Exciting games! 😎
5) Christmas gifts: pls bring a Christmas gift 🎁 around $50 for exchange of gifts!
Date: 15/12
Venue: Ho Chung, Sai Kung (Sean home)
Time: 7:00pm
Hope everyone can come!

Integrate Christmas Party
WOW, Salt&Light, and RISE will have a joint Christmas Part after church on Sunday. Please contact your integrate leader to RSVP.