Rob and Glenda Rufus

Rob and Glenda planted City Church International in July 2004, even though they didn't know anyone in Hong Kong nor were they able to speak any basic Cantonese. They pioneered CCI with only 5 people at their first meeting. Right from the beginning they knew God called them to "establish a move of God's Spirit in Hong Kong to touch the nations of the world." God's condition was "if you live not to fill buildings with people, but live to fill people with My Spirit, then I will live to fill buildings all over Hong Kong full of my Spirit." Holding fast to the vision from God, Rob and Glenda have labored, loved, and honored the call of God.

Rob 和 Glenda 於2004年7月創立了——國際恩榮堂,即使當時他們不認識任何人,基本的廣東話也不會說。恩榮堂的第一次聚會僅有5人參加, 但是他們從一開始就知道上帝叫他們要「建立聖靈的運行在香港並觸摸列國。」上帝的條件是:「如果你活著不是為將建築物充滿人,而是為將聖靈充滿人,那麼神就會將充滿祂靈的人充滿遍布香港的建築物。」Rob 和 Glenda 年復年緊緊抓住來自神的異象,熱心耕耘、愛護、並尊榮神的呼召。