Charis Bible College info and links
Meets alternate Tuesdays of the month @ 7:30pm
Alternating locations: Clearwater Bay (Conrad & Lisa's House) & Razor Hill (Ash & Adele's House)
Adele 6683 2191
Conrad 61656700
Myanmar Mission Info here
Happy House Playgroup Info
Leader: Heather Gill
Where: Kwun Tong @ City Church
When: 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 2:30 - 4:30pm.
Vision: We connect, build friendships and mature in Christ through studying the Word of God together, and encouraging one another with our testimonies.
Phone/WhatsApp: 93305658
FIG Details here
Leaders: Jenny, Diana and Priscilla.
Where: Kwun Tong @ City Church
When: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.
Time: After church.
Vision: Rise into your destiny. Invest time in forming strong relationships. Study the Word of God together. Equip and pray for each other.
Phone & Whatsapp: 6629 1871
The Alpha Course
Coordinators: Stephen and Sharon Wong
Where: Kwun Tong @ City Church.
When: Sunday's in the main hall.
Course runs: TBA
Time: 1:30pm lunch. 2pm course starts.
Food & Beverage: Will be provided free of charge. There is no course fee.
Course Topics:
Week 1 Who is Jesus?
Week 2 Why did Jesus Die?
Week 3 How can we have Faith?
Week 4 Why and how do I Pray?
Week 5 Why and how should I Read the Bible?
Week 6 How does God Guide us?
Week 7 How can I Resist Evil?
Week 8 Why and how should I tell Others?
Week 9 Does God Heal Today?
Week 10 What about the Church?
Day or weekend away: (One Saturday during the course.)
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What does the Holy Spirit do?
How can I be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
How can I Make the Most of the Rest of my Life?
Stephen Wong: 59291070
Sharon Wong: 59278770
啟發課程 (費用全免)
日期: 逢星期日
第1課 耶穌是誰
第2課 耶穌為甚麼死
第3課 何謂「信了主」
第4課 為甚麼要禱告?怎樣禱告?
第5課 為甚麼要讀聖經?怎樣讀聖經?
第6課 神怎樣指引我們?
第7課 怎樣抵擋邪惡?
第8課 為甚麼要傳福音?怎樣傳福音?
第9課 神今天還醫治人嗎?
第10課 教會是甚麼?
啟發營 在課程中的其中一個星期六
討論1 聖靈是誰
討論2 聖靈有甚麼工作
討論3 怎樣被聖靈充滿
討論4 如何活得更精彩
Stephen Wong 電話:59291070 及
Sharon Wong 電話:59278770
Leader: Iris Seah
(Conducted in English, part Mandarin and translated to Cantonese at the same time)
When: 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month - occasionally on the 5th.
Time: 30 minutes after the main service ends (Lunch and fellowship in the Mother’s Room)
Where: Kwun Tong@ City Church
Vision: Be established in God’s value - You are significant, valuable and precious.
Be found in Him. We journey in discovering who we truly are in Christ, to be rooted in His goodness and generous love. To flourish, rise up and walk out our identities as sons and daughters; as individuals who dare to be themselves yet are genuinely humble. There’s beauty in unity. We are stronger together.
Phone: 55781852
info on crew
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Text about the group here
Text here on the kids
Nursing mom info here